Friday, January 05, 2007

James Lileks is a veritable pioneer of internets snark, and applied to a design-related topic, it's enough to make a lady split at the seams. Interior Desecrations is a hilarious review of various and miserable design trends from around the 1970s. He has them in book form, too, but there are amazing ones on the site (ay, me, for want that I could ever write such captions) :

The ever-popular 'explosion in the consignment store' look is achieved quite nicely here." (Note: everyone knows someone with a mountain house decorated like this)
No unauthorized cameras allowed, says the Old-Timey sign. Oh, don’t worry. Not when this hue and this pattern is described in most technical handbooks as 'the lens-cracker.'"

This is the Age of Aquarius. If it’s moving, offer it a bong hit. If it’s not, paint it. "

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.